Nuts are are getting so much nutritious attention lately. They’re not just for snacks and salad toppings anymore! Why didn’t I buy stock in cashew or almond farms? The demand is just going up and up and up for this gorgeous little nutrition packed good fat funky shaped nut. Use organic raw cashews, ideally from a sealed air tight container for freshness.
Ready for more inspiration? Check out the red Thai curry & Greek tzatziki cashew cream sauces too.
This salsa cashew sauce great to dip tortillas in for enchiladas; the most obvious hint EVER 😊 comin up next!

Salsa Cashew Sauce
Gluten and dairy free cashew cream sauce with Latin flavors! Garlic, lemon, pepper, smokey paprika and your favorite salsa in a easy to make cashew cream sauce base.
- 1 cup raw organic cashews
- 16 oz boiling water
- 3 cloves garlic
- 2 T lemon juice
- 2 T Bragg’s nutritional yeast
- 1 T smoked paprika
- 1 T coarse ground black pepper
- ½ t pink salt
Start the water boiling and get you blender ready to use. Drop the cashews in the blender and add the boiling water, let soak for 10 minutes.
Add all the remaining ingredients to the cashews, start to blend on low then turn to smoothie setting for 30 seconds to 1 minute until all is smooth and creamy.
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