I found Three Bakers Gluten Free Herbed Stuffing Mix at Sprouts, I dolled it up to personalize the recipe on the box but in all honesty; this IS the real deal. It has the texture, flavor, moisture and mouth feel what I know as stuffing.
At least half of my plate is always reserved for this glorious carb gluttony with gravy and butter on top. Of course, I crave my family recipe with sausage, apples and onion. The bread or boxed pre-made starters may change over the years but the medley of flavors has to be there.
Know what? I go way back with stuffing.
It’s been good to me and a fav is a fav. I know there are cauli rice versions floating around out there to mimic and give some of the feels.
For today, current mindset….NOT gonna happen….full on bread tilt is. NO Shame, all love.
Gluten free sausage can be tough to find, there is always some kind of filler or binder in it. I used True Story (yup, gluten free!) organic apple honey chicken sausage, garlic, onion, a pink lady apple and fresh thyme.
With this Gluten Free Easy Sausage Apple Stuffing I used a little less water than the box calls for because I like the crunch factor on top on stuffing. Those little nooks and crannies go perfectly with gravy baby!
Chad and I are so incredibly lucky to have our families come together and share this holiday. Everyone gets along, I adore my in laws. Everyone is outspoken, opinionated and loud; myself included. We laugh, carry on, pour a couple glasses or mugs and break bread together.
We love each other for who we are and appreciate our differences. This mix of family has been a tradition for 18 glorious years and will continue for all our days.
We both tend to take in our friends when they need a bed, or a place to stay for a while to weather their personal storm passing through. I have lost track of how many folks we have had as short term roommates.
That is who we are, it’s a pillar that has built our home.
One year we had 45 people at our home for turkey day, we had tables lined up everywhere we had room. Friends far from home, singles or family that crave that sense of community joined in for the feast.
From my home to yours wherever that may be, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Stop by and visit Dawn Loves Food on Facebook or Instagram

Gluten Free Easy Sausage Apple Stuffing
- 1 box Three Bakers Gluten Free Herbed Stuffing
- 1 pack diced True Story Apple Chicken Sausage
- 3 T Kerrygold butter
- 1 m diced onion
- 6 cloves minced garlic
- 1 m diced pink lady apple
- 1 T minced fresh Thyme
- 2 1/2 c boiling water
Heat oven to 350f and use 1 T to butter the base of a 9x13 baking dish. In a large sauté pan combine the remaining butter with the onion 2-3 minutes then add the apple and garlic in to cook, stirring occasionally for another 7 minutes.
Pour the stuffing mix in the baking dish first evenly layered. Top with the sautéed mixture and add the minced thyme. Stir everything together to combine. Lastly pour the hot water in carefully all around, mix one more time for good measure.
Cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 1 hour. About 30 minutes in take off the foil and let it brown on top. Watch the last 10 minutes - cook to your liking, oven's vary!
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